The Theosophical Movement: Networking for Unity — Conference Talks


The Theosophical Movement:
Networking for Unity

01 0:28:14 (01/28/1984)

Jerry Hejka-Ekins
President, Southern California
Federation of Lodges [Adyar]

Introduction to the Conference

02 0:23:15 (01/28/1984)

Carl Hurwitz
Theosophical Society [Adyar]

The History of the Ancient
Theosophical Movement

03 0:04:29 (01/28/1984)

Jerry Hejka-Ekins
President, Southern California
Federation of Lodges [Adyar],
and Roger Gemme
Theosophical Society [Adyar]

Moderation of the Conference

04 0:23:57 (01/28/1984)

Ted Davy
President, Canadian Section,
Theosophical Society [Adyar]

As Humble As A Mouse

05 0:02:25 (01/28/1984)

Jerry Hejka-Ekins
President, Southern California
Federation of Lodges [Adyar]

Moderation of Conference

06 0:26:56 (01/28/1984)

Henry Geiger
Los Angeles Lodge
[United Lodge of Theosophists]

Human Evolution and
The Theosophical Movement

07 0:00:59 (01/28/1984)

Jerry Hejka-Ekins
President, Southern California
Federation of Lodges [Adyar]

Moderation of the Conference

08 0:20:03 (01/28/1984)

James Perkins
former President, American Section
Theosophical Society [Adyar]

The Daring Task
Before Theosophists

09 0:06:42 (01/28/1984)

Jerry Hejka-Ekins
President, Southern California
Federation of Lodges [Adyar]

Moderation of the Conference

10 0:22:51 (01-28-1984)

W. Emmett Small
President, Point Loma Publications

To Mostly Ask Questions

11 0:03:02 (01/28/1984)

Jerry Hejka-Ekins
President, Southern California
Federation of Lodges [Adyar]

Moderation of the Conference

12 0:24:06 (01/28/1984)

Kirby Van Mater
President, American Section
Theosophical Society [Pasadena]

What Do We Mean By
"Universal Brotherhood?"

13 0:02:15 (01/28/1984)

Jerry Hejka-Ekins
President, Southern California
Federation of Lodges [Adyar]

Moderation of the Conference

14 0:13:38 (01/28/1984)

Ted Davy,
James Perkins,
Kirby Van Mater,
Henry Geiger,
W. Emmett Small

A Dialogue Between the Speakers

15 0:21:27 (01/28/1984)

Panel and Audience

Questions and Answers

16 0:00:11 (01/28/1984)
Jerry Hejka-Ekins
President, Southern California
Federation of Lodges [Adyar]

Closing the Day

17 0:05:46 (01/29/1984)

Jerry Hejka-Ekins
President, Southern California
Federation of Lodges [Adyar]

Opening the Day

18 0:20:07 (01/29/1984)

John Algeo
Theosophical Society [Adyar]

To Clarify the Distinctions Between
Theosophy, the Theosophical Movement,
and Theosophical Organizations

19 0:28:40 (01/29/1984)

Group Members

Workshop Group Presentations

20 0:05:54 (01/29/1984)

April Hejka-Ekins
Theosophical Society [Adyar],
and Jerry Hejka-Ekins
President, Southern California
Federation of Lodges [Adyar]

Closing Remarks

Theosophy World: Dedicated to the Theosophical Philosophy and its Practical Application